What is this Very Vocal Blog about? Well, it could be about anything really!
It's principally about anything to do with vocal work - ideas, tips, solutions for singers, actors, teachers, as that is my profession; I've been professionally nosing about inside peoples larynx for several years!
But it could also be about anything I choose to get Vocal about - any issues that affect my, my work, my family, or life in general. I could have called the blog "42" I suppose, but then people might have thought I did have the answer to life the universe and everything.
Feel free to leave comments, ideas for blog topics, links to any useful vocal research you have or just anything you think might amuse!
The Vocal Blogger
Great! I love all your advice and support on vocal technique you've given me. It's really helped in my own singing, and in leading the kids choirs. There are some adult groups who desperately need some vocal training too (squealing sops!) so if I get a chance I'll pass on some of your pearls of wisdom to them. Love to you and your girls (all 3!). Ellie x